1550nm-80MHz fiber-optic coupled acousto-optic modulator




1550nm-80mhz optical fiber coupled acousto-optic modulator

Used for optical fiber vibration sensing, DVS B-OTDR, laser line width measurement, etc

G – 1550-80 – L – D – T – AA – A – T – L

Key performance

Low insertion loss


Stable performance

Conventional performance parameter

Parameter Unit The minimum The biggest Conventional Note
Material TeO2
The wavelength nm 1520 1580 1550
Average optical power W 1
Peak (pulse) optical power kW 1
Ultrasonic velocity m/s 4200
Insertion loss dB 2.5 2
Extinction ratio dB 40 50
 Return loss  dB  40
Rising time ns 25 50 45
Frequency MHz 80
Radio frequency power W 2.5
Voltage standing wave ratio 1.3:1
The input impedance Ω 50
The device interface SMA
Optical fiber type  PM/SM
Fiber length m 1.5
Optical fiber interface FC/APC
Working temperature -20~+60
Storage temperature -30~+70